[FR] Le Ministre de l’Intérieur britannique va ouvrir une enquête sur les mauvais traitements – violences et abus sexuels – subis par des migrants des centres de détention au Royaume-Uni. Ces structures sont régulièrement critiquées pour les mauvais traitements infligés aux détenus, poussant certains à l’automutilation voire au suicide.
UK to launch probe into abuse at immigration facilities
The British home secretary is to open a probe into treatment of immigration detainees following complaints by activists and inmates about alleged violence and sexual abuse in immigration removal facilities.
On Monday, the Home Office announced plans to look into how well the immigration detainees are treated in the removal centers
The probe will be led by the former Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales, Stephen Shaw CBE.
“Immigration detention is a vital tool in helping ensure those with no right to remain in the UK are returned to their home country,” said UK’s Home Secretary Theresa May.
“But I take the welfare of those in the government’s care very seriously and I want to ensure the health and wellbeing of all detainees, some of whom may be vulnerable, is safeguarded at all times,” she added.
Britain’s coalition government has previously been criticized for policies relating to immigration detention facilities, specifically regarding the climbing number of suicide, self-harm, and sexual abuse cases in such centers.
Charity group Women for Refugee Women found last month that inmates are ‘routinely humiliated’ at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Center, and subjected to abuse by male staff members.
Activist groups have also warned that mental health cases at Britain’s immigration facilities are often ignored, with only about nine percent of official health warnings leading to the release of inmates suffering from mental health issues.
Moreover, UK courts have ruled the human rights of six mentally ill immigration detainees have been violated over the past three years.
The planned probe is expected to begin within the coming weeks and will probably take nearly six months to complete.
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Voir aussi :
08/02/2015. Royaume-Uni. The Guardian. Theresa May annonce un examen de l’état de santé des migrants détenus
09/02/2015. Royaume-Uni. The Telegraph. Les conseillers à l’immigration « stressent » les personnes vulnérables avec des challenges légaux « irréalistes »
09/02/2015. Royaume-Uni. Guerilla Media Network. Les centres de détention de migrants britanniques sous l’enquête du Ministère de l’Intérieur après des révélations d’abus
09/02/2015. Royaume-Uni. Politics Home. Theresa May lance un examen de la détention des migrants
06/02/2015. Royaume-Uni [EN] AllAfrica, Comment les politiques britanniques de détention empirent la santé mentale des migrants
03/02/2015. Royaume-Uni. RT. « Profondément inquiétant » : des enfants en centres de détention de migrants, malgré la promesse du gouvernement
Informations bibliographiques
Date(s) de publication : 10/02/2015A la Une
- Equateur [EN] Global Detention Project, Le profil de la détention en Equateur
- [EN], Global Detention Project, La détention des demandeurs d’asile dans la région méditerranéenne
- France [FR] Le Monde, Cazeneuve relance le match gauche-droite des expulsions
- Chypre [EN] KISA, De graves violations des droits des détenus dans le centre de détention de Mennogeia
- Belgique [FR] Steenrock, Faites de la musique, pas des centres fermés !